

It is difficult decision, I think.
I can understand Mikane Mizukawa's opinion, but I don't want to agree completely.
Here are my opinions. ↓↓

①A fall language study.

It is surely Japanese scholastic ability is down compare with 50 years ago due to useful things.A lot of Japanese (including me) don't even have the minimal level of knowledge,So she stated
so she may waste of time to teach Japanese. But I guess not only Japanese but also many foreign countries, doesn't it?

②Influence of Japan is big.

Japan has own culture, like Samurai, Anime and so on.
Those are very popular for a lot of foreign.
they learn Japanese through TV or manga. Like
anime, music and so on.

For the individual shines in their own life, we have to try to keep Japanese!!

③Mother tongue
if we don't learn Japanese, we lost mother tongue (I mean Japanese language.)
So it will change the history or all over the world.
Speak English only, We may lost our culture.
so we don't need to study cross culture.
I like to study cross culture, I don't want to.

Those are my opinions.
What do you think??

man and woman

This article is funny. It is interesting for me.

Yes. I agree with this article.

Recently, Japanese young boys have never experienced "real love" ,I guess.
For example, I have a boy's friend who is same age, and he have ever gone out with 5 girls.
But he have never gone out with them over 3 months.

His answer was "It is very tired for me."
"First, I thought she is cute. But I didn't know her attract little by little"

I cannot believe it.
What do you think of him??

It is not only him, I think.
A lot of men don't get marry because of "Mendokusai (It is troublesome)"

My answer is I don't want to go out with such men!!

Table Manner

①Yes, I have.
I went to some restaurants with my friend in England.
I knew foreign restaurants doesn't give us some water for free.
But I didn't want to pay money to drink, so I have patience. haha

②Yes, I learned about "bill"
Normally in Japan, the bill has in the table.
But in England, I had to say "Could I have my check, please." or "Could you give me my bill?"

Oh, and I didn't know the service charge is included.