1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
I think we have a lot of universal across borders.
But it is a certainly that only human have a "emotion".
Therefore we have a lot of common emotion.
2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation
There are a lot of feeling words in the world.
Tell you a few example.
楽しい (happy)
嬉しい (glad)
面白い (interesting)
腹が立つ (angry)
悲しい (sad)
心配する(anxious )
妬む (envy)
疲れる (tired)
恥ずかしい (ashamed)
退屈 (boring)
緊張する (nervous)
3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
Yes,a lot!!
Japanese has a lot of humility word.
For example,
If you are want to say "今後ともよろしくお願いします"
What are you going to say?
Will you say "Nice to meet you" in English? Is this same meening?? NO!!!
I think it is simmilar meening, but diffarent, Isn't it?
It is very difficult for Japanese to tell humble words for foreigner.
hi cherry blossom!
返信削除yes, I think so,too. Japanese has lots of humble form and polite form and these are very difficult to say in English. it is very different.
返信削除I tried to tranlate "今後ともよろしくお願いします" into English by アルク.
As a result, this word was changed "It's a pleasure doing business with you."
I think it is possible to translate every JApanese feelings into English.
If you have interest, please use it!!
返信削除I think so too.
It is very difficult to say English about Japanese original customs.
Hello, chiken. Thank you for your comments.
返信削除Yes, it is very difficult for Japanese to tell humble words for foreigner.
But it is very interesting point for learning English people, Isn't it?
返信削除Thank you for your comment.
You are very cute name, aren't you? haha
Did you check 今後ともよろしくお願いします!? Oh, you are great!!
「It's a pleasure doing business with you."」
I was surprised that using "Business" in this sentence. Yes, very very unique.
Thanks a lots.
hi, kiki. Thank you for your comment.
返信削除Yes. we are diffarent costoms each countries.
Therefore, we have just learned cross culture!!
Try to study a lot each other, kiki.
返信削除i think so too!
Japanese greeting words are difficult to translate. I think Japanese greeting is very hard expression.
I agree with your opinion on no.3. Japanese is quite humility and complicated, isn`t it? :-)
返信削除I agree with you. よろしくお願いしますis not use by English speakers. When I went to America, this word made me distraught.
Hi, Cherry Blossom.
返信削除I completely agree with your opinion.
Actually, Japanese is difficult to translate into English.
I think Japanese greeting has very individual styles.
ohh I think it is very difficult question. 今後ともよろしくお願いします” can `t transfer. I think. And I have heard that "つまらない物ですが”can`t transfer. Because foreigners don`t understand why Japanese bring things that they don`t need. haha
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返信削除'Nice to meet you.' is surely 今後ともよろしくお願いします. But I think the nuance is slightly different. I think that it is difficulut to translate language, because there are individual culuture each country.